An overview of "conversational hypnosis"

January 15, 2009
In order to understand the concepts of conversational hypnosis we must first understand the concepts of hypnosis. The word "hypnosis" or "hypnotism" are both derived from the term "neuro-hypnotism" which means nervous sleep coined by the Scottish physician and surgeon James Braid. Most people think that hypnosis is a state of unconsciousness but this according to modern day research is not true. It is in fact a wakeful state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility and diminished peripheral awareness. What this means is that in order to hypnotize somebody they must be able to interact with you. Of course interaction simply means that a person can respond to another persons actions or stimuli.

By understanding hypnosis in this way it is much easier to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about. Igor Ledochowski's methods and techniques are similar to any other hypnotist however he has the experience of hypnotherapy. Now a hypnotist and a hypnotherapist are not the same thing so this is the next layer of the onion that we must peel away in order to understand how "conversational hypnosis" came about.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for therapeutic situation meaning that it is about influencing people over time to resolve personal issues like weight loss, treatment of skin disease, habit control, sport performance to name a few. It can be broken up into 3 subcategories which are regression hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy. I will not go into regression and cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy (for more information simply follow the links) because Igor studied Ericksonian hypnotherapy which I will explain now. Ericksonian hypnotherapy was named after Milton Erickson who's techniques lacked hypnotic induction, he used indirect suggestion, analogies (rather than metaphors), confusion techniques and double binds. So you can see that this type of hypnotherapy is about direct persuasion with out the subject being in a "nervous sleep".

As you are beginning to see it is starting to make sense now. The art of "conversational hypnosis" is about being able to persuade a person with whom you are interacting by taking control of the conversation and manipulating the other persons perspective. In this way you can control their thought patterns and reactions by using techniques that are very similar to the Ericksonian hypnotherapy principals.

The goal of this overview was to make the concept of "conversational hypnosis" clearer to understand and in this way easier to learn. I hope that this goal was accomplished and that you now have a better understanding of what "conversational hypnosis" is about.

If you have any questions or comments please write them down and I will respond as soon as possible.



The Conversational Hypnosis Course by Igor Ledochowski

January 15, 2009
The Conversational Hypnosis Course by Igor Ledochowski

Do you like hypnotism? Have you ever had the desire to walk up to another person, maybe your boss, and ask him or her for a raise you have always wanted? Some people believe it to be real while others think it is a load of crap because of all the cartoons about people swinging pendulums in front of their eyes and later on, the victim literally follows the hypnotist’s bidding.

In actual fact, there are many ways you can easily hypnotize s...

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A review on Conversational hypnosis

January 15, 2009

The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis is a covert hypnosis training program created by Igor Ledochowsky and Clifford Mee. Many believe that it's the best online hypnosis program available today. And indeed, Igor's credentials are impressive, as he is one of the most renowned Conversational Hypnotherapists in the world. The reviews and rating of Conversational Hypnosis by people who use it are impressive. Many have improved their lives by applying what they learned from it. But is this program ...

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Hi it's Paul here,

I am your typical Aussie bloke who really wanted to be able to hypnotize people. Why do you ask? Well my whole life I have had problems with people taking advantage of me and also just walking all over me so I thought that's it! I am going to make a change to this.

Luckily Igor Ledochowski was someone I stumbled onto and I owe this bloke a huge debt of gratitude, thanks to his power of conversational hypnosis I am now the master of my own fate.

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